Monday, December 4, 2023


she loves with every fiber of her being, yet the pain remains unfamiliar, an unyielding ache that defies any logic of adaptation. not a testament to weakness, but a manifestation of her all-encompassing love. it never fails that every time she invests her heart and soul, it's met with heart-wrenching betrayal, as if her love was inconsequential.

excuses are always endless, shielding them from responsibility until it's too late, leaving her wounded. acceptance eludes her, grappling with the realization that the common denominator is herself. in the depths of self-doubt, she questions her worth, beauty, and why her love falls short. the gnawing feeling of inadequacy persists.

desperation clings to her, an unrelenting desire to be wanted fueled by the faintest glimmers of hope. she has been labeled eternally optimistic by those who haven't forsaken her, and she persists.

the paradox deepens as she gives her absolute best, yet receives the worst from those she loves. is she atoning for sins in another life? a punishment for transgressions haunting her present.

trembling uncontrollably, she waits in anxious anticipation. will he reach out? will he walk through the door, bringing solace to her longing heart? repeatedly checking her phone, yearning for validation, even a simple "I love you". but the silence, it persists. hours pass before he responds, avoiding the core issues. resolutions remain elusive, yet she persists and waits with baited breath.

why this desperate need for his love? what affliction plagues her, prompting such relentless yearning? the haunting question persists: what is wrong with her?

nonetheless, through it all, she persists.


their fates entwined unexpectedly, and she was not prepared for the whirlwind of emotions he would stir within her. in the gloomiest of days...