Thursday, February 29, 2024


their fates entwined unexpectedly, and she was not prepared for the whirlwind of emotions he would stir within her. in the gloomiest of days, he stepped into her life, becoming a fixture in various roles. from shared sorrows, a fragile friendship emerged. vulnerable, she bared her soul to him, finding solace in his non-judgmental, metaphorical embrace.

as their connection deepened, it grew complex with a rapid intensity. longing for his messages, craving his unseen presence, each word from him injected joy into her veins. her thoughts incessantly dwelled on him, emotions escalating to heights she hadn't felt in ages. with him she found empowerment, beauty, and a sense of worth—elements missing in her reality.

she cared for him profoundly, wishing for his healing, success, and happiness. he brought warmth to her world, filling voids she hadn't recognized. yet, realism nudged her, knowing she couldn't provide what he truly deserved. the day of parting arrived, tears marking the bittersweet farewell.

in saying goodbye, she hopes he senses the depth of her feelings, understanding the piece of her heart he carried away. life, much like her emotions, unfolds in its paradoxical beauty—cruel, objective, unfair, and as complicated as the love and sadness she dared to feel.


their fates entwined unexpectedly, and she was not prepared for the whirlwind of emotions he would stir within her. in the gloomiest of days...